Come visit and experience something new!
Pole fitness is for everyone who wants to feel stronger, more flexible and increase their body awareness. At Brass Monkeys your development and success is as important as having a good time in a safe space. We are here to guide and support you, and deliver that high five when you’re done!
Brass Monkeys offers courses in poledance/pole fitness, aerial hoop, strength and flexibility and other rare techniques such as chairdance, handbalancing and pure dance basics for grown ups.
Pole fitness
Pole fitness is great fun, and you’re working with a vertical pole covered in brass or stainless steel. Being round it’s perfect for spinning and a great tool for developing upper body and core strength. The more you practice, the stronger you get, and as you reach higher levels you’ll also reach higher onto the pole and off the floor.
To start with pole, you don’t need to be neither strong nor flexible, just curious about this new and cool sport.
The courses are divided into levels, the ”Nivå 1” is for beginners without any experience, and higher numbers means more experience required. If you are uncertain of your level, for example if you’re transferring from another studio, please contact us via e-mail or phone and we will try to set you up with a course that’s on your level.
We also offer Open pole classes where you can hang and practice with fellow polers, or just book a private session or practice on you’re own after a short walkthrough of the studio rules, these are called ”Egen träning” translated into ”Self practice”.
Aerial hoop
We’re launching an 8 week course in aerial hoop for beginners, no previous experience required. Aerial hoop is a ring about 1 m diameter hanging from the ceiling which means it can spin on it’s own axis but also in orbit. Since it’s circular you can hang from the top and bottom bar.
You will develop a lot of pulling and core strength, and perform some beautiful acrobatics on the hoop.
More courses
Strength and flexibility – nothing should stop you from complementing your pole practice with strength and flexibility practice. In this course you’re also free to just drop by, but staying consequent in your workout is what will be the giver of the gains. With this course you will strengthen and lengthen pole particular parts of the body, and this will most certainly reflect positively on your pole training, but it will also reflect positively on you which means we of course welcome non-polers to class as well!
High heels (exotic pole) – In pole you can also dance in high heels (höga klackar), also known as exotic pole. To take the ”Nivå 1-2” you need to have fulfilled at least one previous full semester of pole fitness.
If you have more experience in pole and feel confident in high heels, you can join the ”Nivå 3-5” for intermediate/advanced heels class.
Brass Monkeys Karlstad
Sågverksgatan 6, Karlstad Aktivitetscenter